A big issue for small and big businesses alike is marketing and The Passion Conversation is a breezy course in word of mouth marketing. To be honest, it seems like most of the business books I have read and reviewed are breezy in some way - the books seem to serve some sort of marketing purpose for the company behind them - but they all have their gems that you are free to choose or reject.
Word of mouth marketing is a powerful and cheap tool that any individual or organization can use to market their services online or offline. You probably know people who are so enthusiastic about something that they can go on and on about it or that you go to when you need advice. These sorts of people have tipped the scale from being a consumer to an advocate and you will want to find or create them. The book uses a few examples to illustrate how that we when we love something or hate something, we share our experience with others. I was surprised to read that people share offline differently than when they share online - they have different reasons. Sharing offline is far more engaging because of tones and gestures. I remember the time my friend's enthusiasm for a cold laminator was so infectious that I almost bought one myself :-D When I had a bad customer service experience with Dream Payments, a now defunct mobile point of sale system, I told all my arty friends and littered the web with reviews :-D When I purchased the new Square reader from Staples, I even told the cashier about the lousy experience. "That's my free advice, anyway!" I said.
One can use The Passion Conversation with co-workers or any type of group where you are trying to reach consensus. After all, your co-workers are your internal customers. If you don’t love people, if you don't love what they do or what drives them, you won't get very far.
The book is rounded out with several before and after stories and how the company was able to grow or change. The company that wrote the book and facilitated the change is called Brains on Fire, which shouldn't be confused with the movie, Brain on Fire :-D