audrey_e (audrey_e) wrote in bookish,

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44: 100 Flowers and How They Got Their Names

Originally posted by audrey_e at Book 44: 100 Flowers and How They Got Their Names
44 100 FLOWERS AND HOW THEY GOT THEIR NAMES Diana Wells (England 1997)


Diana Wells gives you a short history of a 100 flowers.

The short history of a flower typically includes some Greek mythology, a description of its potential medicinal properties or what they were perceived to be in the past, where the botanist who made it famous found the flower and how he made it more popular in England or America.

I'm not a botanist and I never do any yard work, but the Parisian parks I spent my summer in made me a little curious about flowers and their stories. To tell you the truth, they were not as interesting as I wanted them to be, but there was always here and there a little something that made the book worth reading.

Tags: author: w, genre: non-fiction, review, subject: history, subject: science

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