FireWalkWithMe (luminousmotion) wrote in bookish,

Graphic Novels

I'm looking for some recommendations of graphic novels/novellas. For reference I really liked the collections of Kabuki comics, The Crow, stories from Heavy Metal in the 90's that were short and didn't feature a lot of sex(not that sex is bad, just usually the ones that focused on it were poo regardless of artwork quality), Locke and Key, Clive Barker's Books of Blood, the art work for the various stories based on Stephen King's Dark Tower series, and the collection I Live Here which I'm guessing might not be as well known so I'll link it:

I'm guessing most would suggest Sandman, but I didn't enjoy the collection I read. A lot of the art work was poor and the stories not very good, in my own opinion of course.

I'm looking for darker graphic novels, that aren't very super heroish, amazing artwork, great stories, and preferably deeply involved/complicated. Longer the better, in actual length or number of series books/collections.
Tags: category: graphic novels, requesting a read

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