I've recently finished reading The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare and whilst, on the whole, I really enjoyed them, I hated Clary. I keep finding that in many young adult books the female protagonists are a) boring b) insecure about their looks and c) bordering on being a Mary Sue. However, despite all this the brooding, gorgeous guy falls in love with them. It can really dampen an otherwise enjoyable read.
I'm looking for young adult fiction with strong or distinct female characters. They don't even have to be likeable but I want them to have some personality!
Also, some young adult books that have a romantic interest that differs from the typical gorgeous, tortured/'every-girl-wants-me' type though I'd prefer the romance to be a side-story rather than the focus of the plot.
Thirdly, I loved the Alex/Magnus relationship in TMI and was wondering if there were any other books that had a same-sex pairing but who were secondary characters like Alex and Magnus were. I liked that we only got to see little bits and pieces, it made be appreciate the bits we got more.
I'd really appreciate any suggestions! Thanks x
Also, what did anyone else think of TMI series?
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