a novel engineer (jawastew) wrote in bookish,
a novel engineer

Sisters Red (ARC) by Jackson Pearce

Scarlett March has always kept an eye out for her younger sister’s well-being. It isn’t as if Rosie can’t take care of herself, but being the oldest, Scarlett feels responsible. Now that the sisters have been orphaned, they rely on each other and the kindness of Silas--a young man raised in a family of woodsmen and living a short walk in the woods from the March cottage. There’s a dangerous secret that ties the three together, a secret so terrifying they would do whatever it takes to protect young, innocent girls around the country from being exposed to it. The sisters would even doll themselves up and wrap warm red cloaks around their shoulders, pull the hoods over their dark hair and lull unsuspecting men into complacency…

I was very lucky to win an autographed ARC of Sisters Red from a contest Tessa Gratton held on her blog. It was a book I’d been curious about; fairy tale retellings are some of my favorite types of books, but Little Red Riding Hood is one I’m especially drawn to. I don’t want to read too much into the book, but know the fairy tale itself has often been studied for its commentary on feminine sexuality; I’m hard-pressed not to approach a reading without scrutinizing that theme. It would seem Jackson Pearce had a similar idea.

( Read the rest of the review )
Tags: category: young adult, genre: fantasy, review, xxx author last name: i-q

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