Parker Glynn-Adey (pgadey) wrote in bookish,
Parker Glynn-Adey

  • Music:
What pieces of poetry would you recommend to a twenty one year old male mathematician, who is into language? I'm interested in reading a wide palate of poetry I can find online. Anything from Chaucer to Bök.

  • Chinese Menu

    Chinese Menu: The History, Myths, and Legends Behind Your Favorite Foods by Grace Lin A series of stories -- myth, legends, and occasional history…

  • Carry On, Jeeves

    Carry On, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse A collection of Jeeves stories. Starting with the one where Bertie hires him, and is extracted from an unwise…

  • Bad Hair Day

    Bad Hair Day by Sarah Mlynowski Whatever After continues. With Rapunzel. First with Abby's not winning a spelling bee and her gloom, because she…

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