heureux_123 (heureux_123) wrote in bookish,

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Book Recs: Fantasy/Romance

Hello, I've recently been reading books of the fantasy genre... and while I found them particularly riveting, the lack of romance really gets to me. I'm a total sap, so please bear with me. I need my romance fix. That said, does anybody have any recommendations for fantasy books with a bit of romance, particularly ones with a dash of light vs. dark, good vs. evil, and two characters from both sides falling for each other? Please, though, none of that 'not-really-evil-vampire falls in love with a normal girl' stuff. I'm sappy, but not that sappy.  If the main character is dark, he has to be 'truly' dark, and not just an 'oh, he may seem bad but he's good deep inside' character.  I'm not averse to the concept of redemption, as long as its done well. I don't mind tragic endings either.

If anybody has any recs, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
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