Landon (lakramer14) wrote in bookish,

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Review #14: WIT'CH FIRE

Book: Wit'ch Fire by James Clemens
Pages: 428
Genre: Fantasy

Review: This was one of those slog-through books. Sure, there were cliff-hangers; sure, there were some cool-featured characters; sure, some of the fantasy concepts were pretty interesting--but the writing itself reminded me strongly of my first completed novel...somethin I wrote in fifth grade. It was very wearisome, and the weak prose led to weak story elements...Things just went downhill from there. The pacing was thrilling enough at times, but mostly it felt uneven--like when all the characters were in the caves. I thought that was just something that Ratingwould contribute to the beginning...and then I thought it was something that would just contribute to the middle...and eventually, I realized most of the book had been the characters wandering through the woods or underground with fake suspense being induced irregularly with fruitless one-line sentences and abrupt chapter endings. This isn't one I'll be lingering over.
: 3/5 Stars

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