Title: Melting stone
By:Tamore Pierce
Book series: I think # 2 this book series is kinda funky.
Overall rating: C
Summary:Four years have passed since Evvy left the streets of Chammur to begin her training as a stone mage. At fourteen, she's unhappy to be on a new journey with her mentor, prickly green mage Rosethorn, who has been called to the Battle Islands to determine why the plants and animals there are dying. Evvy's job is to listen and learn, but she can't keep quiet and do nothing. With the help of Luvo, the living stone heart of a mountain, Evvy uncovers an important clue. Now, with the island on the brink of disaster, it's up to Evvy to avert the destruction that looms ahead. ( Summary thanks to amazon)
My Review: I highly think I would have liked this book if i was a few years younger. It was funny, and imaginative in a way but you could ship 30 or so pages and still get the point of the story without feeling you missed much. So, I did not know this, this is the second book in a series. For one I hate reading a book out of series, and for two I went on amazon too look at the rest of the series and well I don't see my self reading them, for one, the main character isn't even in them. But I think I will go back and read book one and then leave it at that.
Reading Next. Now I'm still on my Tamora Pierece obession but I ran out of book till my next library trip or until wild magic arrives( which I hope is does soon, or there was no point in ordering it). Now I'm actually stepping out of YA book and I'm going to read Doug Adams The ultimate hitchhikers guilde which is all five novele in one huge book. It like more than 800 pages I don't know if I can do it.