Hemning Sternberg (moonshadow) wrote in bookish,
Hemning Sternberg

Unusual Suspects edited by Dana Stabenow

Title: Unusual Suspects
Series: Powers of Detection #2
Editor: Dana Stabenow
Genre: Fantastical mystery anthology (yeah, it's a niche market)
Pages: 306
Copyright Date: 2008
Cover: The most prominent feature of the book cover is the names of the represented authors, in the order of how much the publisher thinks the reader will care. Charlaine Harris is in big letters, with a little, er, bubble that says "includes a new Sookie Stackhouse story." I guess that means the TrueBlood branding thing is going well? Carole Nelson Douglas is listed slightly smaller, and on down the line until at the bottom it says "AND OTHERS" in a small typeface.
First Line: "Amelia Broadway and I were painting each other's toenails when my insurance agent knocked at the front door."
Why I Picked It Up: My gf got it for me out of the library and I liked the first book.
Best part: It's a well-rounded collection.
Worst part: I was frustrated that the stories by the "big name" authors weren't that good, but the other stories were not seen as being as important by the publisher. I know, the industry is in trouble, they have to sell books, but it didn't seem fair. And putting the Stackhouse story first doesn't give readers who are mostly interested in that incentive to keep paging through, does it?
Grade: C
Recommended for: Those that liked Powers of Detection or who are intrigued by the combination of fantasy and mystery.

My favorite stories were "A Woman's Work" by the editor (and how often does that happen?) and "The House of Seven Spirits" by Sharon Shinn. Like most anthologies, the quality is mixed, but it's worth a read. C.
Tags: genre: fantasy, genre: mystery, xxx author last name: r-z

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