I need your help.
My father and I used to sit down every evening during the four weeks before Christmas, light a couple of candles and read to each other a book. As I'm quite fond of this tradition I'd like to continue it, only that we're running out of books. Do you have any idea, suggestion, recommendation? I'd like something loosely related to Christmas. We already have read A Christmas Carol, twice actually. We tried another Dickens story, but gave up on it because Mister Dickens is just too wordy for the purpose. Last year we read Little Lord Fauntleroy, one of my fondest childhood memories, and found it rather saccharine. (I don't have anything against saccharine, actually, but I wished she'd tone it down a bit.) I guess what I'm looking for is something sweet, simple and short.
Thank you very much.
- arylla
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