fashion_piranha (fashion_piranha) wrote in bookish,

Contest: 3 Free Copies of 'The Heretic's Daughter' available

Today is the last day to enter my giveaway of The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent! You can win one of three copies of the book! 

            Once upon a time in the dreary town of Salem, hysteria struck the people and blighted their reputation forever.   Regardless of what they’d done before, and what they accomplished since, Salem will forever be known for the witch hunts of 1692. The trials have been a black mark upon the community for generations, but as the years went by descendents of the families involved have begun to speak of the past’s traumas.   Kathleen Kent, a direct descendent of Martha Carrier, tells the story of her ancestor in her first novel, The Heretic’s Daughter.  (The book review is continued here...)

This was a fantastic book, capturing the hysteria and horror of the Salem Witch Trials.  It would make an excellent addition to a high school student’s book shelf, as they’re sure to learn about the Salem trials in class, and this book helps shine light on one of the darkest periods of American history. Additionally, it’s enjoyable and entertaining (let’s face it, there are a lot of high school students bored stiff by The Scarlet Letter) and might encourage the reader to do a bit of digging into their own family tree, to see what kind of secrets are lurking in the past.

To enter to win your free copy, click here!

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